Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ Biometric Security Features That You Should Know

Mobile technology has come a far long way in a relatively shorter period of time. In less than a decade or two, the mobile phones have been transformed into the bank accounts and official credential storage place, which needs to be secured, as the cybercrime threats have become a part of our daily lives.

While these threats are universal, being your data protected isn’t difficult anymore, as today’s smartphones are evolving in the terms of security features too. The newly announced flagship Samsung galaxy S8 have taken the security need of customers to the next level by introducing imminent biometric features.

Let’s have a look at these biometric features of Samsung Galaxy S8.

List of Best Biometric Security Features Included in Samsung Galaxy S8


Previously, you seen only a few biometric or security features included in the smartphones like PIN, Password or Pattern. But this time, the flagship of Samsung 2017 has shown to include some of the next generation security features that are believed to change the future. Although there are rumors that these biometric features are also included in the upcoming iPhone 8, however, Samsung is the pioneer of introducing them in their flagship. So, here are the latest security measures being included in Galaxy S8:

1: Iris Detection in Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus


Apart from those standard pattern, pin, and password, iris detection is the latest feature being introduced in the flagship of 2017 by Samsung. As the patterns in the iris of each and every person is unique and virtually, they are impossible to replicate, so Samsung has introduced this feature in its new version, that can help the user to safely lock his phone and all the private contents without any fear of snoops.

2: Facial Recognition in Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus


Now you can keep your phone safe with another next-generation biometric feature – Facial Recognition. This feature enables all the Galaxy S8 phone users to unlock their phone by simply looking at their front camera. The camera and smartphone, collectively detects, align, extracts and compares the facial features to grant or deny the access. According to the official website of Samsung, “Facial Recognition is the fast and effortless way to unlock your phone.”

3: Fingerprint Scanner in Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus


Last but not the least biometric security feature is the fingerprint scanner, that lets the user access the phone by matching his fingerprint to the one provided. The fingerprint sensor is located at the back of the phone to which your finger naturally goes and allows you to unlock your phone seamlessly. This feature also doesn’t need to wake up the phone first. Just put your finger on the sensor and you are good to go.

For more information about these biometric features, you can visit the official website of Samsung Company. Make sure to check out Best Fingerprint Apps Locker for Galaxy S7 / S8 / S8 Plus.

Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ Biometric Security Features That You Should Know | frank-tyler-samsung-fan-club

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