Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches

Today, the technology has reached a point where you can use your mobile phone with a watch. Yes, I am talking about the smartwatches that have been around the wild a few years but have changed the way wristwatches used to be. With those smartwatches, you can access the games, notifications, messaging app of your mobile phone along with the benefit of just time and date.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | gear-s3-samsung

Another best part of the Android wear is that you can customize their look and face using the watch faces. So, if you are having one of the android wearables, here are our top picks for their watch faces. Check them out and personalize your smartwatch according to your choice.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | android-wear-smart-watch-faces-apps-best-download

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smart Watches

So you’ve got the Samsung’s wearable and want to customize it. If so, check out the best watch faces that we have rounded up to provide you with the better face experience with your smartwatch.

1: Black Metal HD Watch Face

Black Metal HD Watch Face is one of the best interactive HD Android wear watch faces that you can have on your smartwatch. The watch face is customizable and features black, brushed, metal style look. The app offers:

  1. Launcher Clock Widget
  2. Customizable digital and analog clock
  3. Custom date
  4. Timezone selection
  5. Ambient mode selector
  6. Battery status
  7. Weather conditions
  8. And many others

There’s freemium and premium version of the app that you can download for free or at $2.49.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | chart?cht=qr&
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | ai-70de0f6ca96b9c7409553eac45add814
Developer: DeNitE Appz
Price: Free

2: 2Elegant Watch Face

2Elegant Watch Face

Another simple watch face for your android wearable is 2Elegant Watch Face that can get your job done greatly. The app supports the Android Wearables 2.0 and it’s pretty basic with basic features. The features of the app include:

  1. Date
  2. Digital Time
  3. Weather
  4. Watch Battery
  5. Distance
  6. Calories
  7. Stopwatch

The app wouldn’t dazzle but it would work pretty well.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | chart?cht=qr&
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | ai-d29da0d01c4c0e1e944d112152000e7e
Developer: RichFace
Price: $1.99

3: Facer

Facer - Smartwatch Customization Platform (Android Wear)

With the amazing features like:

  1. 1500 watch faces
  2. Facer Creator
  3. Numerous date and time layouts
  4. Battery level indicator
  5. Weather conditions
  6. Dynamic Backgrounds and much more.

Some of these features are free and some of them would require a small fee as well. But trust me, it would work great.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | chart?cht=qr&
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | ai-2a539cfe5290449fd6b13762057e41c0
Developer: Facer Studios
Price: Free

4: Watch Face

If you are looking for something highly customizable then Watch Face is the thing that you can have. With the huge collection of watch faces, this app is the best suited for your android wearable, it offers amazing features like:

  1. Maximum customization
  2. Multitude of great features
  3. Lots of interactive functions
  4. Regular upgrades

Moreover, the app also supports the specific apps like Spotify, Pocket casts etc. it’s almost cheap and offers great features.

Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | chart?cht=qr&
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | ai-7fec0742563a226aceea471bae62845f
Developer: Academy eXtreme
Price: $4.99

5: Wear Launcher + Bubble Widgets

[v5.16] Bubble Cloud Home screen Widgets + Mini Launcher for Android Wear watches

 It is a great launcher and wears for android wearables that turn out to be interactive watch face as well. There would be the time and variety of shortcuts that will help you to quickly access the apps that you want. Besides this, there are a number of amazing features for this app including:

  1. Variable icon sizes
  2. Customizable options
  3. Live info
  4. Screen lock
  5. Smart auto layouts
  6. Fun and practical features
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | chart?cht=qr&
Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | ai-08dd681c8138253e4829568944870fdd
Developer: DYNA Logix
Price: Free

The app is completely free to use.

6: WatchMaster – Watch Face for Galaxy Gear S2 / S3

WatchMaster X Romanson :: Real watch becomes smart for Gear S3

Watchmaster. The app includes a marvelous series of smartwatch watchfaces crafted by means of our certified designers from all over the global. With 2 hundred plus high graphics watchfaces and a high level of experience from watchmaster designers, our app is need of every smartwatch owner. No longer to mention, they also offer weekly updates to watch faces.


Top 5 Best Watch Face Apps for Android Smartwatches | frank-tyler-samsung-fan-club

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